Thursday, November 30, 2006


I've been totally slacking on my posting. I apologize. I have at least 3 different posts in various states of completion, but somehow I don't have the energy to finish any of them.

I'm in the middle of editing a documentary about twin brothers who travel to Norway for a family reunion and discover some family secrets, holiday season is upon us, AND I'm embroiled in a situation that has robbed me of many precious nights of sleep over the last 3 weeks. I am simply exhausted, but it's the exhaustion that comes from living life full-tilt (finally!), so it's all good.

I promise to post properly next week, after I've caught up on a few zzzzzzzs.......

Have a great weekend everybody. Hopefully I'll get some sleep!


Anonymous said...

Everyone is so busy at the moment....

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

You have posts you havent published yet? Someone else told me that too, and I dont get how it's done, because if a blog is supposed to be an online journal, how do you keep a journal of your life with posts that already written but not published? Hmmm. Anyways, so yeah, you take care and take more naps. It'll help with the exhaustion! Seriously...

P.S. So when and where can we see this film of yours?

Anonymous said...

Ya, how do you have posts tucked away and never finish them? Don't you type right into you blog? Of course, your way would allow for editing....hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Furtheron: And I fear there is no respite in sight.

EM: Thanks. You too!

Well, David - a lot of my posts are more reflective...more thoughts on different things that have happened in my life, and less about certain events that are occurring, so it's easy to start them and not publish them.

Spoonman: Blogger allows you to save posts as drafts - you don't necessarily have to publish right away. What are you using?