Thursday, June 28, 2007


I have at least 3 or 4 half-finished posts sitting in my drafts, but somehow, I'm totally unable to complete any of them. Sowweee....

I'm all over the place right now, which you'll no doubtedly confirm upon reading this chaotic post.

I have exactly 10 days of work left in purgatory. It's exactly 17 days until I head home to see the folks. And exactly 32 days until I leave for Europe!! Needless to say, I'm not feeling too grounded...probably trying to plan too many things at once, not living in the moment and on top of that, I can't seem to shake The Damn Cough. Thank you Network Chiropractic. As a result of Clear Day, I am anything but clear, and I mean literally. How is it possible for one small girl, with very small nostrils to produce the massive and continuing volumes of snot that I do? Ugh.


DeeJay said...

Hey don't get too hung up about it all. It will only be 9 days left of work tomorrow and will continue to get better. The time left before seeing your folks and travelling to my wonderful part of the world will also be shortening. The cough and snot will have plenty of time to clear so that you can enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Stop consuming dairy products. Trust me, stop doing it and the snot, phlegm, cough, etc. will go away. It'll take a few days but it will happen. Trust me.

Furtheron said...

Thank you for that picture....

Not easy to stay grounded when stuff like this is going on but as you say you can only deal with the day you are in.

Good luck