Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jet-Setting! Oh Joy!

So, it's done.

Leave of absence from work has been asked for and approved. July 13th is FREEDOM DAY!

July 15th - July 28th: Calgary and Yellowstone National Park with the folks and some relatives
July 29th - September 5th: London, Barcelona, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Naples, the Amalfi Coast and the Greek Islands
September 9th - September 13th: Enlightened Warrior Training Camp in Ellenville, New York

And this isn't confirmed yet, but I'm just gonna pretend it is.

November: Antalya, Turkey



EMOB said...

AAAHH!!! Pack me in your carry-on!!! Pretty please??

I'm hearing Amalfi Coast every other day. I think it's a sign.

DeeJay said...

Go girl and have a wonderful time!!!

How long are you in London for?

Anonymous said...

How awesome!! What wonderful travels you have planned. Have a great time!!!

Furtheron said...

Have a great time. I hope you keep us posted on events via the blog.

Oh yes I've tagged you - but you tagged me so this is going to create some internet posting recursive loop that could bring the internet to it's knees and destroy the western world as we know it so don't reply......

Anonymous said...

Hey Shellz, thanks for the tag! I will get right on it! Your trips sound FABULOUS, what a great way to make the most of life! I'll be in Naples/Amalfi coast right before you, what a coincidence! :)