Monday, August 27, 2007


I've taken 2 drags off a Moroccan hash laden joint. The second pull sends me into a fit of coughing, which passes as I look into the twilight of the African sky, stars twinkling dimly through the airborne dust. They seem to wink at me and mesmerized, I am suddenly overcome by layers upon layers of sound, each infinitesimally smaller and more delicate than the last. I look at the trees and there is energy in the leaves, cobwebs lacing back and forth between the branches, giving them life. I close my eyes and see layers of motion expanding into the black, and each of these layers seems to have a meaning which I cannot quite grasp, but this is okay because this yearning to understand has a beauty all it's own. We turn on some music and I am lost in the melodies, fingers caressing guitar strings, words tasted like fruit and candy on the tongue. And there is such truth and pureness in some of the songs, I am reverent, and I am thinking of you, and wishing for you, and aching for you, and I hear myself whisper, tenderly, my love, tenderly....


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Gosh, I wish I knew how you're doing.